22974 Bear Valley Rd Apple Valley, CA 92308
Mailing: 12555 Navajo Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92308
Phone: 760-247-8001 x 20417
School Bus Driver Course
The AVUSD Transportation department is holding a school bus driver course beginning on February 20th. All classes must be attended in order to receive the certificate. Call 760-247-8001 ext. 20414 to secure your spot in the class.

Bus Passes
Students are required to have a bus pass in order to ride the bus to and/or from school.
Bus Schedules
All bus stop times are subject to change.
Elementary K-6
Desert Knolls Elementary
Rancho Verde Elementary
Rio Vista Elementary
Sycamore Rocks Elementary
Yucca Loma Elementary
Elementary K-8
Mariana Academy
Phoenix Academy
Sandia Academy
Sitting Bull Academy
High Schools
Apple Valley High School
Granite Hills High School
Transportation Plan
Background: California Education Code Section 41850.1, commencing with the 2022-23 fiscal year, created the Home to School Transportation Reimbursement. This reimbursement apportionment is subject to transportation expenditure reporting as described in the Education Code.
As a condition of receiving apportionments under section 41850.1, a local educational agency shall develop a plan describing the transportation services it will offer to its pupils, and how it will prioritize planned transportation services for pupils in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, and pupils who are low income.
The Plan shall include the following components:
A description of the local educational agency's transportation services that would be accessible to pupils with disabilities and homeless children and youth.
A description of how unduplicated pupils would be able to access available home to school transportation at no cost.
The plan shall be developed in consultation with staff, regional transit authorities, local air quality management districts, parents, pupils and other stakeholders.
The plan shall be presented and adopted by the Governing Board in an open meeting with the opportunity for in-person and remote public comment.
The following Plan was adopted by the Apple Valley Unified School District Governing Board on March 2, 2023 and is considered valid for the remainder of the 22/23 school year and the entire 23/24 school year.
The Transportation Plan will be updated prior to April 1, 2024 as required by Education Code.
Below is the updated Transportation Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year.